Jack Forrest Scholarship

Applicant must be a citizen of the Cherokee Nation living within the boundaries of Cherokee Nation attending a state accredited 2- or 4-year post-secondary institution in the state of Oklahoma. Must be a member of a softball or baseball team with a minimum 3.0 GPA.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you a member of your school's collegiate softball or baseball team?
  2. We firmly believe that every person is unique and of value. In 500 words or less, share your story with us. Tell us how you came to be the person you are today, and about your passions and future expectations. Describe how you will benefit from our scholarship and how our scholarship will benefit from you.
  3. Please enter the name and email of a person who would provide a reference for this scholarship opportunity. (An appropriate person to ask is someone who knows you very well and not a relative. Be sure to let the person know that they will be receiving an email to supply a reference for you and should be completed by July 15.)